The national polls are telling voters that it is neck-and-neck between Labour’s Rob Newman and the Conservatives in the new seat of East Wiltshire.

Updated results from the respected company Survation, whose multi-level regression (MRP) polling correctly predicted 94% of the results at the last General Election in 2019, have put Labour within 1.2% of overtaking the Tories. Their last poll, at the start of June, had the result even closer – with Labour and the Tories tied at 35% each.

In both polls, the Liberal Democrats have been far behind, on between 12-15%. The clear risk is that a vote for the Lib Dems will allow Danny Kruger back in.

Labour’s Parliamentary Candidate for East Wiltshire, Rob Newman, said:

“Poll after poll has been clear: if you want to unseat the Tories here in East Wiltshire, then you need to vote Labour. A vote for any other party will give us five more years of Danny Kruger.

“East Wiltshire is a brand new parliamentary constituency, on new boundaries. Comparisons with previous constituencies no longer apply, and generalising from town council elections to a General Election is ludicrous.

“The question at this election isn’t who do you want to be your local councillor – it’s who governs Britain.

“I don’t want our communities in East Wiltshire to have a Conservative or Lib Dem MP marooned in the wilderness of the Opposition benches in the House of Commons – able only to talk, and not to do. I want us to have a strong voice and good representation in the next Labour Government.

“This election will be desperately close. If you want change, you have to vote for it. So I urge you to lend me and Labour your vote on 4 July.”

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