East Wiltshire Labour supporters met with a warm reception at Marlborough Market on Saturday 25 May, as the party formally launched its General Election campaign.

Labour’s Parliamentary Candidate for East Wiltshire, Rob Newman, talked with voters about issues ranging from Labour’s policies to cut energy bills to holding water bosses to account for the filth in our rivers.

He also heard residents’ concerns about the situation with heavy lorries causing danger and potential damage to homes as they turn along London Road; and worries about drug use and violent crime in parts of the area.

Speaking after the street stall, Rob Newman said:

“There was a terrific reception for us on Saturday morning at the market. I lost count of the number of people who told me that they thought it was time for a change, but the most interesting thing was who was saying it: younger people, families, traders, and older people.

“Several people stopped and told us that they were lifelong Conservatives, but they were so fed up with the farce and with nothing working that they were backing Labour this time.

“We also had Liberal Democrats who, with the changed boundaries in this new East Wiltshire seat, said they’d be voting Labour for the best chance of defeating the Tories.

“One thing I did hear over and over was how people feel Danny Kruger has let them down. They said he was unresponsive and just didn’t reply to their letters or emails.

“That is the basic level of service that you should be able to expect from your MP. His not meeting it is exactly why I’ve pledged to voters that if elected, I will do politics differently, with regular in-person and online surgeries, a commitment to no second jobs, an annual Constituent Assembly, a tour of village halls, and Advisory Councils to support my work.”

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