My Priorities AS YOUR MP:

Build a Stronger, Fairer Economy

Danny Kruger has said that the Tories face “obliteration” at the next election after leaving the country “sadder” and “less united” than they found it. That is certainly the case when it comes to the economy.

Come the election, people will ask themselves the simple question: am I better off now than I was when the Tories came to office in 2010? For the overwhelming majority, the answer is ‘no’. The average household is now paying £870 more a year in tax. Thanks to Liz Truss’ calamitous mini-budget, mortgage payments are up by £240 a month. And everyday items now cost £150 per week.

The Tories have given us bigger bills and higher prices. We urgently need a government which will take the big decisions which will get us growing again. I’ll back more support for our high streets, reforming business rates, and sensible housing development; and I’ll be a strong voice demanding that government is on the side of our agricultural sector and rural economy.

My Priorities as your mp:

Rescue our NHS

The other question people will ask themselves at the General Election is: does anything work in our country anymore? Although we have problems in other services like the police, the standout example is the appalling state of the NHS.

When Labour left office, waiting lists were at record lows and patient satisfaction at a record high. Now we all know somebody who is on a waiting list for that cancer test or hip operation; all of us have at some point joined the 8am scramble for a GP appointment, or searched desperately for an NHS dentist.

Labour created, invested in, and reformed the NHS in the past, and we’ll do it again. This isn’t just about more money. We’ll deal with the current crisis by creating millions more appointments and driving down waiting lists, but we’ll also change the system so that we are preventing illness, not just treating it.

My Priorities as your mp:

Protect and Restore our Environment

Our rivers are full of sewage, flooding is impacting our villages, and the Tories are treating net zero as part of a culture war when it can be a huge economic opportunity. When it comes to our environment, the Tories should be ashamed of themselves.

It’s way past time for change. The water industry must be put in special measures. Bosses have to be held to account for their filth, and regulation must be strengthened.

Government has also let down our farmers since Brexit. I know that many are worried about the support they get from DEFRA, as well as about how they are recognised for managing flood risk and sustaining our natural environment. I’ll support dedicated measures to tackle rural crime, as well as supporting farmers’ health and wellbeing.

My Priorities as your mp:

Stand with our Forces and their Families

We are fortunate in East Wiltshire to be home to a large portion of Salisbury Plain and the British Army. The sacrifice which the members of our Forces, and their families, make matters a great deal to me – and as an MP I will always stand with them.

This Government has talked a good game on defence, but its actions tell a very different story. Our Forces are being hollowed out. Recruitment is a disaster, we will soon have the smallest Army since Napoleonic times, and billions have been wasted on procurement. Poor quality housing is having a terrible effect on morale.

We are at one of the most dangerous moments for our national security in decades. We simply must do right by our Forces. I’ll campaign for the establishment of an Armed Forces Commissioner to be an independent champion for those who serve and their families, and back the writing of the Military Covenant into law.

My Priorities as your mp:

Be a Strong Voice for Women

There is still a long way to go when it comes to equality for women, in our society and in politics. Danny Kruger has caused enormous offence by questioning women’s autonomy over their own bodies, suggesting that right-wing parents are better than left-wing ones, and saying that marriage between a man and a woman is the only basis for a successful society.

I completely reject his views and want to ensure that progress for women is at the heart of my work as an MP. That means finally winning the fight for equal pay and securing the services like childcare that enable women to play a greater part in the workforce.

It also means an absolute focus on women’s safety. Our criminal justice system completely fails women, from detecting crime to prosecuting it. I’ll be a strong supporter of Labour’s mission to halve violence against women and girls within a decade.

My Priorities as your mp:

Do Politics Differently

I know that trust in politics and politicians is through the floor – and deservedly so. The past decade has been a sorry tale of one scandal after another.

I believe very strongly in public service and in high standards, and that’s why I want to be a different kind of MP. With me there will be no second jobs or outside interests – just total dedication to being your elected representative.

I’ll also commit to being an active MP in the House of Commons, and being visible in East Wiltshire. I’ll hold surgeries around the constituency, as well as street surgeries and virtual ones, too. But that’s the minimum you should expect, and I want to go further – with dedicated Advisory Councils (such as for women, business, and farming), and Constituent Assemblies so I stay in touch with your priorities.