Meet Rob

I’m incredibly proud to be Labour’s Parliamentary Candidate for East Wiltshire.


It’s a great privilege to stand for Parliament in the constituency where I grew up and went to school and where my family still live, and to have the chance to represent you in the House of Commons.

East Wiltshire is a new seat and it’s a chance for a new start after 14 years of Conservative rule. Here’s a bit about me and why I decided that I wanted to be a candidate at the General Election.

My History

I currently work in the advertising sector, at a trade body which represents the brands which you’ll find in your cupboards at home. It’s my job to talk to government about the change that the sector needs to continue supporting the growth of the economy. I also work with advertisers to ensure that they are playing their part in meeting the big challenges our society faces – from protecting the environment to a healthy future for the next generation.

As well as my private sector experience, I have a background in Labour politics which means that if you elect me, you’re electing somebody who already understands how Parliament works. I’ve been an adviser to members of the Shadow Cabinet, and I’ve been a caseworker for MPs, helping take up issues and complaints on behalf of the public.

I’ve also run my own freelance business; I’m a school governor; and I’ve been a charity trustee.

Why I’m Standing

I wanted to stand in the next election because I’m tired, angry, and hopeful.

I’m tired of the rolling chaos of the past decade, of the way in which politics and government has fallen so far, and of the Conservatives playing pass-the-parcel with the keys to Downing Street.

Government should be about confronting challenges and solving them on your behalf. It’s not a game.

I’m angry about the state of the country and the very real impact that that chaos has had on people’s lives – the added mortgage costs, the NHS on its knees, the pollution in our rivers. You deserve so much better than this.

But I’m also hopeful that things can be better – and that there are brighter days ahead for our country.

We have huge opportunities in front of us – a stronger, fairer and greener economy; public services transformed by technology; a restored natural environment for us to pass on to our children. What we need is a government determined to grasp those opportunities, and to take the big decisions that will let us move confidently into the future.

I want that better future for my friends and family, for my county and my country. It’s time for change, and to get Britain’s future back.